Covid pushes Artificial Intelligence: Italian industries at the top according to Google

According to a study by Google Cloud, Italy is in the lead among countries that have built their production and management strategies on the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence.

The impact of Industry 4.0 on the tools sector: the case of Dormer-Pramet

It is a well-known fact that automation and digital transformation have become an increasingly important factor in industrial production. The number of sectors involved in these processes is growing faster, even those that were initially […]

What is collaborative robotics and what are the perspectives: the Fanuc case

“Cobots”, this new word is a mix between the English terms “collaborative” and “Robots“. Although unknown to the general public, cobots represent the most advanced example of industrial automation. At least to date. This is […]

The Italian chemical-pharmaceutical industry at the forefront of the fight against Covid: the Anagni case

There will be a lot of Italy, in the ampoules of anti-Covid vaccine that (hopefully) from this winter will be distributed in Europe and the rest of the world. Since the very first months of […]