Packaging Oscar 2022, competing categories and how to participate

There is time until 28 January to register for the “Best Packaging 2022” award, the so-called “Packaging Oscar” promoted by Packaging Meeting Srl and Istituto Italiano Imballaggio.

Pharmaceutical machinery, unhindered growth: market tripled in 10 years

In the midst of a global economic crisis that has spared no economic or manufacturing sector, the pharmaceuticals industry is one of the few to have survived. And with the production of anti-Covid vaccines now […]

Packaging Valley in the days of Coronavirus: an industry that doesn’t stop

The announcement of the global emergency due to Covid-19 announced a few weeks ago forced all countries to reorganize themselves so as to slow down the spread of the new virus. This reorganization has forced […]

Emergency #coronavirus – what are the consequences for the economy in Italy?

For days now we have been talking only about the new virus that has arrived from China and that has fully affected Italy, the so-called Covid 19, commonly known as Coronavirus. Beyond the consequences for […]

“Rendez-vous” in Paris for Pharmapack 2020

Only a few days left to the Pharmapack trade fair to be held in Paris on 5 and 6 February. Founded in 1997, this annual event represents a meeting place for the pharmaceutical packaging world. […]

Marchesini is still growing: two new acquisitions

After having acquired in the last two years several companies such as Schmucker, Dumek, a company specialized in the manufacturing of process machines, Vibrotech, SEA Vision, Proteo, or even Cmp Pharma at 60%, the Marchesini […]