Italian Steel market 2021: hot flat products sector consolidates in second half of year

Despite the pandemic crisis, the first half of 2021 saw more than positive results for the steel market. Above all, the hot flat products segment has become the Italian and European leader in the steel sector. And the figures seem to predict significant consolidation in the coming months.

Industrial robots supporting productivity: the Yamaha case

It is well known that robots are playing an increasingly important role in industrial production. Not only do they speed up a wide range of processes, but they also ‘replace’ real workers in the heaviest […]

Europe, the second pandemic wave and the risks of a new economic recession

The European Central Bank had already sounded the recession alarm last August, when the virus seemed to have disappeared and the pandemic was regressing. In the event of a second wave, the economic situation in […]

The COVID-19 pandemic does not stop the 4.0, the Italian case

The unexpected arrival of the 2019-2020 Coronavirus pandemic put the brakes on the 4.0 industry‘s progress and investment. According to recent data from the Politecnico di Milano University, Italian companies are already testing the ground […]

Coronavirus: serious lack of solidarity from Czech Republic

First China, then Italy and then Spain, France, Germany, the United States, the whole world… all dealing with the Coronavirus emergency. We live very hard days, we are all at home praying for our health […]