Quite often on our blog we have the pleasure to present you, among the machines of the month, used machining centers and used lathes of the Japanese manufacturer Mazak, as in this previous article about a used Integrex i200 multitasking lathe.
Today, instead, we want to talk you about a nice initiative of the Japanese company, represented by the opening of a very special museum.
Inaugurated at the end of 2019 in the Japanese town of Minokamo, Yamazaki Mazak’s machine tools museum enhances the impact of machine tools in our daily lives. The museum was opened to coincide with the celebration of the Japanese company’s centenary. The museum traces the history of machine tools from the 18th century to the present day. It tells this story, highlighting at every step the strong link between technology and Mazak, a close link that characterizes the entire history of the company.

The visit to the machine tools museum begins with a presentation of the tools used in the mechanical production of the 18th century and ends with the most recent technological solutions that combine automation and connectivity typical of the 4.0 industrial revolution. Particularly fascinating and exhaustive to understand the technological evolution in progress is the presence inside the museum of an entire highly automated production line that uses IOT technology (Internet of Things).
Another aspect that the museum clearly highlights is the centrality of the machine tools at the basis of the construction and maintenance of many crucial structures of modern life present in sectors such as medical, aerospace and automotive, just to name a few.

The opening of this museum is also an opportunity for Mazak to convey the message of its vision of the company of the future that embraces energy sustainability and puts it on the same track as technological innovation. In this sense, the architecture of the museum itself is explanatory. The entire structure, in fact, is located 11 meters under ground level and is fully air-conditioned using geothermal energy.
With the opening of this museum, once again the Japanese company confirms itself at the forefront from the point of view of technical innovation and sustainability, but at the same time underlines once again how the history of machine tools and its development are closely linked to the history and development of Mazak.