The industrial robot market is taking off in Italy, revealing a vital and growing market. This is revealed by data released by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) that underline a 31% increase in the sector with the installation of as many as 3.5 million robots. In the front row there is Italy, where the market is increasingly varied and dynamic with a growth that has reached 65%, bringing the Country to overtake even Germany.
Robots, a record market
The data collected by the International Federation of Robotics was presented at RobotHeart. Having overcome the pandemic, which had inevitably led to a slowdown in the market, there has been an enormous growth of over 30% with more than half a million robots installed all around the world in 2021 alone.
Specifically, in 2021, 3.5 million robots were put into operation (world figure). An historic record that highlights, even more, the positive trend that began some time ago. Compared to 2015, twice as many installations were recorded. A growth that has affected all sectors, in particular machining and automotive, but also electronics.

Growth prospects and industry figures
The figures reveal some very interesting information about the trend and evolution of the sector. China, for example, once again takes first place, with a growth of +51% with 268,200 robots installed. Extraordinary numbers also for Italy that marks a +65%, becoming one of the most important countries as regards robot sales.
Italian robotics, therefore, is experiencing an exceptional moment, favoured by the ability to create innovative and customised installations. The robot market therefore, despite past difficulties, continues to look to the future with enormous confidence. In fact, the forecasts of the International Federation of Robotics speak of a +10% increase in robot installation by 2022 with a 7% growth until 2025. Among the determining factors are reshoring, production flexibility, but also the increasing user-friendliness of robots. Elements that, in 2022, will lead Italy to reach 1300 installed robots: a figure that reveals the liveliness of the market and its enormous potential.