New trade fair in the pharmaceutical sector: Connect In Pharma

Yesterday saw the start of Connect In Pharma, the new European trade fair to report on developments and novelties in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological packaging sector. An unmissable opportunity, with a calendar full of meetings, workshops and conferences, to bring attention to present and future developments in the sector.


Connect In Pharma started yesterday, Wednesday 14 September and continues today Thursday 15 September 2022 from 09:30 to 17:30 at the Congress Centre, Palexpo, Route François-Peyrot 30, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland. The event opens its doors to more than 90 exhibitors in the four core businesses of the pharmaceutical industry, with a rich programme of conferences and networking initiatives. The perfect way to define your next investment, gain new knowledge and meet the right people.

Connect in Pharma, an event not to be missed

Connect in Pharma shines a light on innovation in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, bringing together the world’s leading associations, suppliers and companies. An unprecedented meeting in the beating heart of the European pharmaceutical industry: Geneva.

Why attend? Connect in Pharma presents itself as an unprecedented platform for the industrialisation, development and production of drug delivery systems and filling and packaging technologies. During the event, every aspect will be investigated from the conception phase to the finished product, facilitating meetings and collaboration between packaging suppliers, the discovery of new assembly technologies and much more.

The objectives

Experiment, learn and network: this is the objective of Connect in Pharma, which offers a unique opportunity to share experiences and knowledge related to an increasingly growing sector in which innovation plays a crucial role.

  • Explore new products for pharmaceutical packaging;
  • Discover the latest trends and developments in the industry through conferences;
  • Overcome packaging and production challenges with workshops;
  • Network and connect with industry leaders.

The programme

Discussing Connect In Pharma and its programme was co-fondatore Wilfried Phipps. The event will feature lectures and workshops with a central theme: innovation. Visitors will be able to discover the most cutting-edge companies on the market, learn about innovative packaging and pitches from the various exhibitors. A not-to-be-missed opportunity to follow the changes in the sector, create exceptional collaborations and partnerships. With a humanitarian purpose too: this year in fact Connect in Pharma has announced an initiative realised with SbD Creative. It is the Days of Rare exhibition by photographer Ceridwen Hughes, which will raise funds to support the EspeRare foundation in researching treatments for rare diseases. And that’s not all: Easyfairs, which organises Connect in Pharma, will donate CHF 5 for every visitor who takes part in the event.

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