Happy holidays from Makinate

We are now in the last days of 2020, a year in which the whole world had to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic, and therefore a year that we will struggle to forget.

It has certainly been a difficult year, full of pitfalls due precisely to the pandemic and the measures taken by each of us to combat its spread.

Now that a positive turning point in this hard battle seems to be approaching with the arrival of the first Covid vaccinations, we at Makinate would like to emphasise and invite you to focus your attention on the strength we have shown and on the tenacity that has driven us all this time to fight what to all intents and purposes is an invisible evil and which at one point seemed to spare nothing and no one.

In the hope that this strength will guide us and shape our private and professional lives in the years to come, we wish you a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

News for 2021

The year that is about to end has been a year of intense work for Makinate, full of investments and new projects for the future. The most important of the projects born in 2020 but which will see the light in 2021 is the creation of a new website with updated graphics and in step with the times in order to improve your experience and ease of navigation.

Above all, the new version of the Makinate website will be under the banner of two values that are essential to us: sustainability and technical preparation.

The new site will be technically very advanced in order to provide our expert users with a state-of-the-art tool that speaks their professional language, a catalogue where it will be even easier to find the machinery they are looking for.

The new website will also, in its own small way, be a spokesperson for values that are essential to the sustainability of our environment and respect for human values. Never before have we received such a strong message from nature as we have this year. We have decided to take it on board loud and clear!

Makinate during the Christmas holidays

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our company will remain open and our team will be at your disposal during the entire Christmas period, except of course on 24/25/26 December 2020 and 1 January 2021.

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