Parma will host this year again for its 17th edition, MECSPE, the trade fair for the manufacturing industry. This event brings together not just one but 12 thematic halls, from machinery to materials, to innovative technologies of different industrial sectors. A particular focus will be given to Industry 4.0, more and more present in our companies. Let’s see together the program of this fair and the reasons why you should participate!
MECSPE – 12 thematic halls
As anticipated, it is not just a single fair, but 12 halls, each dedicated to a theme. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the innovations and trends of the industrial chain in one place. The 12 halls are divided into 4 areas:
- Subcontracting area divided into mechanical subcontracting and electronic subcontracting
- Mechanical area with machine tools and surface treatments
- Plastic and Rubber area. Eurostampi will be dedicated to plastic machines, while Additive Manufacturing will focus more on 3D Printing and Hardware
- Automation area with robotics, transmission organs, quality control, digital factory and logistics.

A 360-degree overview, which will allow visitors to discover the new trends in the market, to create new contacts and update themselves about all the news reserved by the future.
Flashback on the last edition
If you are not sure yet to participate in MECSPE this year, we invite you to discover with us the extraordinary results of the last edition, which should convince you to come to Parma.
In 2017, MECSPE welcomed as many as 45,000 visitors, coming from different sectors of activity: from automotive, to the medical / dental, electro-mechanical, robotics, construction of machinery, processing plastic materials, but also food. The exhibitors were more than 2000 distributed over 105,000 square meters.

At the end of the last edition, 97% of visitors said they were satisfied with the product offer, more than 92% said that they were professionally enriched and more than 80% described MECSPE as an interesting and useful fair. Most of these visitors were business owners, sales managers, production managers or buyers, who had gone to this fair with the intention of finding new suppliers, getting to know the market news, or updating at the technical level.
Take a note about the dates from 22nd to 24th March 2018 and do not miss this interesting event. For more information, consult the MECSPE website directly. While waiting to participate in this fair, do not hesitate to consult our online catalog of used machines.