ThermoLogger: a smart solution during Covid-19’s days

Good morning, the emergency situation that we have experienced in recent months caused by the coronavirus Covid-19, has actually revolutionized our daily life and the way we interact each other’s. In fact, we all had to adopt new behaviours and change some habits to limit the spread of the infection and protect our own and others’ health.

In order to slowly come back to our “usual” life, however, the mere control of one’s own behaviour is not a sufficient condition for us to find our “normality”. If we wish this happens, technology will surely be able to give us a huge hand. In these days, the debate is open on which technologies can concretely help us to serenely come back to do what we were doing before the Covid-19, obviously without renouncing to the protection of our privacy.

There is a lot of talk about the smart phone which is able to show us the places where to pay more attention in order to avoid contagion, but as we are seeing the implications for personal privacy are enormous. However, there are many other solutions, large and small, that can actually help us, and some of them are already working since a long time.

Today we want to talk to you about a highly technological product, but at the same time affordable for everyone, which can significantly facilitate our come back to “everyday life” both in the workplace and in all other places with medium and high attendance. Today we are talking about the usefulness and advantages of using an infrared thermometer capable to regulate access at the workplace.

The priority: come back to work

In these days the controversy on how to face the return to everyday life and move from the “lockdown” phase to phase 2 is spreading. But everyone agrees about one issue which actually is the immediate need to come back to work in order to prevent much more pain and suffering than what this pandemic has actually caused to date.

Coming back to work is therefore the priority and ensuring that the work is carried out in complete safety is the greatest concern for all of us. For this reason we at Makinate want to bring our little contribute by sponsoring a technological tool that we believe can really help you to reopen your activities and increase the level of safety of your company, while ensuring greater serenity to your employees and collaborators.

Product Description

Infrared thermometer able to detect in a few seconds and without contact the body temperature on the wrist, to combine it with a user ID through company badge, identify any fever states and automatically create an archive of the data collected if required. All this by eliminating the need of manual measurement.


  • No privacy invasion
  • Speed and accuracy in temperature detection (+/- 0.25°c)
  • Easily interfaceable with any business system
  • No need of human operator
  • Can be combined with any automated opening/closing system (e.g. automatic doors; turnstiles)
  • Entirely Designed and made in Italy

Ideal for

Companies, Shops, Outpatient Clinics, Offices, Sports Palaces, Museums, Schools, etc..


Depth-rgb sensor to verify the spacing and avoid crowding in the access/measurement area. If required, the mask presence control can be combined.

For info and prices do not hesitate to contact us.

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