Industrial production in Italy: first results for 2017

Production intaly

The data of the Italian industrial production are constantly improving. This are the results of a recent research made by the banks Intesa and Unicredit, together with Confindustria, the General Confederation of Italian Industry and Unioncamere.

The actual forecasts of the orders and manufacturing sector production influence positively the growth of Italy. The national data can be transferred locally and to the individual Italian regions. To explain better these results, let’s take a very significant and positive example: the region of Piedmont. 

The Piedmont case

In Piedmont, there is a general climate of confidence if we look at the industrial data and forecasts of the second semester of 2017. This climate of confidence is strongly fueled by data of exports and employment, which are up to be as before the crisis of 2008.

Chemical, food, rubber, plastics and metal engineering industries drive the economic recovery in Piedmont. The Mechatronics and automotive industry sectors recorded significant results. The textile sector remains stable, while the situation of the construction sector is still negative.

Digital development

An encouraging figure that comes out of this positive climate are the investments in digitization of manufacturing companies. In fact, the 25% of the companies are about to invest in the expansion and upgrading of their digital technology. Investments in digital technology will be targeted particularly in manufacturing, administrative and research development departments.

Optimism also for the future

The research highlights how particularly positive data on industrial production in Piedmont are not transient, but are the result of an economic recovery started and registered for several months. Data at the regional level is absolutely in line with national data and trends.

The only two negative notes are the political instability of our country and the continuous high unemployment rate. These two points are identified by research as the two most critical elements two elements of great criticism that must be faced to be able to keep Italy as the same level of the main European industrial countries (Germany and France).

Seize the day

Businesses should be careful to pick up these important signs of recovery. The desire to make systems by individual companies and in capturing the fruits of know-how, of which our companies are exceptionally rich, is the solution for the recovery.

On the other hand, companies need to be supported with adequate support and innovation. The challenge will be defeated if our companies succeed in maintaining their level of competitiveness.

In Piedmont all this is happening, and the most exemplary figure is the export data. In the first half of 2017, Piedmont companies exported 11.8 billion euros, with a record growth of 14.1%.

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